
The main python decorator of class Stark.

static Command.command(cmd: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, group: int = 0, owner_only: bool = False, private_only: bool = False, group_only: bool = False, channel_only: bool = False, extra_filters=None)

This decorator is used to handle messages. Mainly used to create commands. All arguments are optional. You can also use the alias Stark.cmd instead of Stark.command.

cmd (str, optional) -

Command that triggers your function. Defaults to None, if you only want to use extra_filters argument.

description (str, optional) -

Command description to create Bot Menu. Defaults to None. Read More

group (int, optional) -

Define a group for this handler. Defaults to 0. Read More

owner_only (bool, optional) -

Allow only owner to use this command. Defaults to False.

private_only (bool, optional) -

Only handle messages for private chats. Bot will ignore messages in groups and channels. Defaults to False.

group_only (bool, optional) -

Only handle messages for groups. Bot will ignore messages in private chats and channels. Defaults to False.

channel_only (bool, optional) -

Only handle messages for channels. Bot will ignore messages in private chats and groups. Defaults to False.

extra_filters (optional) -

Extra filters to apply in your function. Import filters from pyrogram or pystark to use this. See example below.


from pystark import Stark

# The normal way. Bot will reply to command ``/greet`` sent anywhere and by anyone.
@Stark.command('greet', description='Greet the user')

# or
@Stark.cmd('greet', 'Greet the user')

# Bot will reply only to owner, that is, the user whose id is set as OWNER_ID in environment variables.
# Others will be ignored.
@Stark.command('greet', owner_only=True)

# Bot will reply only if message is sent in private chat (aka pm).
# Messages in groups and channels will be ignored.
@Stark.command('greet', private_only=True)

# Bot will reply only if message is sent in groups.
# Messages in groups and private chats will be ignored.
@Stark.command('greet', group_only=True)

# Bot will reply only if message is sent in channels.
# Messages in private chats and groups will be ignored.
@Stark.command('greet', channel_only=True)

# Filter all messages.

# Use positive integer to execute after executing another function in default group that also filtered this message.

# or Use negative integer to execute before executing another function in default group that also filtered this message.

# Don't use this as other functions won't work.

# Filter other type of messages using extra_filters.

# Import filters from pyrogram or pystark.
from pystark import filters

# Filter only media messages.

# Filter only text messages.

# Filter only messages sent by 'StarkProgrammer'.

# Filter only messages sent in 'StarkBotsChat'

# Filter only messages with the word 'baby'.

# Filter all media messages sent by bots.
@Stark.command( &

# Filter all messages sent by bots except media messages.
@Stark.command( &

# Filter either media messages or text messages.
@Stark.command(extra_filters=filters.text |