Querying Postgres Tables

In this guide, you will learn how to query using postgres tables while using PyStark

Using the in-built functions

PyStark provides some default functions to query postgres tables. These functions allow you to query tables using table name (__tablename__ attribute), that is, a string instead of a class. Therefore, you do not need to import classes.


All the in-built functions are asynchronous.

In-built Functions




Get All Rows


Get a Particular Row


Get Number of Rows


Set/Update value of a key in a Row


Delete a Row

  • Get All Rows

from pystark.database.postgres import all_db

# Get all rows from "users" table as dicts.
async def get_users():
    all_data = await all_db("users")
  • Get a Particular Row

from pystark.database.postgres import get_db

# Get row using primary key from "users" table.
async def get_user():
    user_id = 500123456  # primary key
    get_data = await get_db("users", user_id)
  • Get Number of Rows

from pystark.database.postgres import count_db

# Get number of rows in "users" table.
async def user_count():
    count = await count_db("users")
  • Set/Update value of a key in a Row

from pystark.database.postgres import set_db

# set/update key, value pairs in "users" table.
async def set_data():
    user_id = 500123456  # primary key
    key_to_change = "aim"
    new_value = "programmer"
    set_data = await set_db("users", user_id, key_to_change, new_value)
  • Delete a Row

from pystark.database.postgres import delete_db

# Delete a row using primary key from "users" table.
async def delete_user():
    user_id = 500123456
    delete_data = await delete_db("users", user_id)

Using the Regular Way (Session object)

You can query tables using the Session object which is the regular way in sqlalchemy.

# import 'Session' object
from pystark.database.postgres import Session
# import Python class for respective table
# let's say it is in 'users_sql.py' inside 'database' folder.
from database.users_sql import Users

# This function gives total 'rows', that is total user ids in 'users' table.
def num_users():
    users = Session.query(Users).count()
    # close session after all queries are made.
    return users

# This function returns 'name' and 'aim' for users by using 'user_id'
def get_name_and_aim(user_id):
    query = Session.query(Users).get(user_id)
    name = query.name  # get name
    aim = query.aim  # get aim
    return (name, aim)

# This function sets name and aim for users by using 'user_id'
def set_name_and_aim(user_id, name, aim):
    query = Session.query(Users).get(user_id)
    query.name = name  # set name
    query.aim = aim  # set aim
    Session.commit()  # use this after setting anything.
    # Now you don't need to 'Session.close()' as you used 'Session.commit()' already.

# Etc